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2 December 2020
Beat the brain fog

Hands up if your brain is trying to solve multiple ‘crises’, your end of year energy levels are sapping and you’re finding yourself in various states of inertia.

You too? You’re not alone.

18 November 2020
The right kind of thank you

A few years ago, I had a team member called Melissa. She was excellent at her job as a senior programme manager and had many successes. But unlike other members of my team, public recognition was not her bag.

3 November 2020
Change is a risky business

Change is about taking calculated risks and managing them.

It’s about setting a direction, accepting you don’t yet know how to get there and gathering a team who just might help you find the way.

20 October 2020
The lockdown paradox: has it given us more freedom at work?

It seems we’ll be in varying degrees of lockdown for the foreseeable future, but the impact on working life hasn't all been bad.

6 October 2020
'Commute' like a boss - a coping strategy for working from home

In the increasingly frequent, and occasionally baffling, updates from the government, it’s become clear that the advice for the foreseeable future is to work from home if you can… which could last for 6 months.

24 September 2020
The Revenge of the Cancelled Project!

I loved horror B-movies when I was younger. Who can forget The Fly? Or Halloween? But there’s a horror story unfolding in many organisations right now: The Revenge of the Cancelled Project!

10 September 2020
Bland Ambition - are you a memorable leader?

What makes a memorable leader? For one of my most memorable bosses it was his consistency and his style.

29 August 2020
More tools for your 2020 development

I’m not a betting woman, but if I was, I’d put good money on you not being as adaptable or flexible as you think you are.

13 August 2020
Tools for your 2020 development and beyond

You’ve probably thrown most of your plans from January 2020 out the window. I’m afraid it’s time to throw out one more – your development plan – and here’s why…


29 July 2020
Time to ditch the Superhero routine - be a new kind of leader

Your team doesn’t need a Superhero: Here’s how to be a better leader right now.


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